Meet The Farmers
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, and not for men.”
— Colossians 3:23
Cory and I met in Buffalo, NY back in 2013. We quickly found that our passion rest in living a sustainable life and in 2016, we purchased and quickly started operating our first farm.
We wanted a place to provide a happy, healthy, natural environment for our animals to live and provide high quality meat for our family, friends and community. I came from generation after generation of farmers, and Cory grew up in the city of Niagara Falls. Combined, we had so much to learn!
Our farm grew quite a bit from 2016 to 2021 and we learned quickly how to raise animals humanely and sustainably. We went from 8 pigs annually to over 40 pigs, and partnered with local farmers to provide high quality grass fed beef and raw milk cheese because our land just wasn't large enough or suitable enough to support them. We searched New Hampshire high and low for a place to continue growing our farm. With no luck, and most of our family living further south; we sold our farm and moved to Tennessee to expand our farm operations and family. Our farm includes heritage breed Hereford beef cattle, and Jersey dairy cows in addition to our Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs, Black Australorp and Speckled Sussex laying hens, and Freedom Ranger & Cornish Cross meat chickens.
We take pride in knowing that we consistently strive to provide the most humane, natural, God intended life for our animals as well as a dignified end.
We invite you to try our products, and feel free to reach out and schedule a farm tour. We're happy to share this life with you!
Cory and Elizabeth Bower
People often ask how we can spend so much time with our animals and getting close to them. The answer is simple. Animals deserve to live a good, natural, and healthy life with kindness and compassion. They serve a greater purpose in our life and for that, they deserve to be treated with kindness, respect and compassion.
We provide the most natural habitat possible to our animals. Our pigs are rotated on wood lots so they can root and eat acorns as they naturally would do in the wild. Our chickens are able to roam freely, scratch, and peck the earth. Our beef and lamb is grass fed. Each animal lives their life on our farm doing what they would naturally.