A lot of people are intrigued by our very non-Western civilization parenting style. While we don’t have a “defined” style, it’s more adaptive or rather autonomous for our child than anything. It’s much easier to show in a video live action than explain. When I took this video, it just came naturally and this post is not what I had planned.
We build on already developed skills and as he shows interest in learning things we are doing, we engage him in the activity every single time he shows interest, increasing his skills as he displays boredom and that he’s ready for more challenges. Example, he showed interest in helping load the dishwasher, so I started him with loading silverware while I load other dishes. At first I would hand him 1 item while I loaded 1 item without using words, just action and modeling. If he didn’t do it right, we don’t correct, we just continue and allow him to participate. After he mastered this, we moved onto putting the silverware on the open door of the dishwasher for him to put in. He still misses sometimes and most recently, after achieving it, he starts to unload all the silverware. To some, they would think he’s not doing what he is supposed too, but for me, this is a level of trust that he’s becoming bored and ready to begin helping with more and unloading as well. We don’t force him to help every time we are loading. If he comes up while we are loading, we engage him. There’s not some big announcement or high energy talking, it’s quiet, calm, and collaborative.
Here’s a video of him doing independent play while I do other things in the yard. If he comes up and wants to participate in what I’m doing, I include him. If not, I don’t howl and call him out excessively to come help. I let him pay attention, observe his surroundings and come to me if he wants to help. This fosters a helpful and intuitive personality. Acomedido.
Books I recommend for parents wanting to adapt some of our parenting styles are Hunt, Gather, Parent and Balanced and Barefoot. The main thing is doing what works for your family ❤️